A small bottle containing light yellow color shampoo which is enough to use for 4 to 5 times as it lathers enough and the smell is absolutly wonderful. It contains red barries and paper mint which gives cool feeling but not tingly at all.

This cream is of light pink color and thick texture. The fruity smell is amazing and makes massaging a great feel. Even though it look a small amount in jar but cream is oily and little amount will be enough to massage. This massage cream will be enough for more then 7 to 8 times if you use it on both hands and feet.

This scrub is of very light green color having thick texture. The grains are very small and fine and are perfect for exfoliating dead skin on heals or toes of feet without feeling harsh. Similar to other products this scrub has also got amazing smell. The amount is enough to be used for 5 to 6 times.

There are two sachet of bleach cream and two sachet of developers. This bleach is mild and not harsh for sensitive skin but still avoid using it on cuts or rashes. It will take 15 minutes to lighten the hairs and dark skin. You can use it two times.

I really liked this trial kit. It has all essential products you need to pamper your hands and feet. Every product have absolutely amazing smell and the texture is really great. As a whole you can use it for 4 times as complete meni and pedi cure apart from bleach cream as once the sachet are open you can not store them so they will be used only two times. The massage cream and scrub is sufficient and you can use them many time. I felt my hands texture have become great which was turning dull because of winter. You will see clear difference in your hands and feet after using these products, specially if you hadn't done your mani and pedi cure for long time.

Golden Girl Soft Touch Mani and Padi Cure Trial Kit is priced PKR450 to PKR550