8 Best Exercises for Healthy and Beautiful Eyes

Eye exercises on top of everything can help you with many issues. Not only your eyes will feel relax, they can have improved vision. Regular exercise can get you rid of eye bags, circles, crow feet and can lift droopy eyes. Let me share some of my favorite exercises which you can easily do at home.
Exercise 1
For taut eyelids, shut both lids tightly for 15 seconds, then rest the eyes by keeping them lightly closed. Repeat 5 times.
Exercise 2
To strengthen muscles, keeping the head still, move the eyes as far to the right as possible without straining, blink, then do the same to the left. Blink and repeat 6 times on each side. Lightly close the eyes and rest for a minute.
Exercise 3
Keeping the head still, raise the eyes as high as you can, blink once, then lower the eyes as far you can. Blink again and repeat the exercise 6 times. Rest.
Exercise 4
Keeping the head still, look up towards the right eyebrow, blink, and look down towards the left earlobe. Repeat 6 times, rest for a minute. Repeat, looking towards the left brow and the right lobe. To improve eyesight, first thing every morning and last thing at night, splash the closed eyes 20 times with warm water and then 20 times with cold to stimulate circulation.
Exercise 5
Keeping the body stationary, slowly move the eyes and head from side to side, through 180 degrees, so the open eyes trace a smooth arc without fixing or glazing over. At the end of each arc, check the eyes are still pointing in the same direction as the nose. For more effect do this exercise outside on a sunny day, with the eyes closed and the sunlight on the eyelids. Then do the following palming exercise: Sit comfortably with the eyes closed and elbows resting on a table. Gently place slightly cupped palms
over the eyes to block out light, leaving the nose free. Do not apply any pressure to the eyeball. Breathe deeply, relax, and concentrate on the darkness or listen to soothing music for at least 10 minutes, three times a day.
Exercise 6
Remember to blink frequently, once or twice every 10 seconds, when concentrating hard. If the eyes feel gritty then blink rapidly a few times. This is especially needed if wearing contact lenses. Do not stare at objects, move gaze from one point to another.
Exercise 7
Rest the eyes periodically by looking into the distance, the farther away you look the more relaxation is given to the eye muscle.
Exercise 8
Hold two pencils or the index fingers in front of the face, one about 3 inches (8 centimeters) away, the other at arm’s length.
Focus on one with both eyes, blink, then focus on the other.
8 Best Exercises for Healthy and Beautiful Eyes

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